Warehousing: What's In Storage For Tomorrow

What Industrial real estate could look like in the future.

With e-commerce and 3PL driving global economies, warehousing is a major conversation starter today. Don't believe us? Just whisper the word 'warehouse' to any property broker at midnight and in a flash, you'll have all their attention. 

But, as warehouses rapidly advance to accommodate the most bizarre of occupier demands, here's what industrial real estate of the future could look like.

Warehouse 2.0- The Basics

📍 Sorting centres in cities and industrial spaces in smaller centres.

📍 Low carbon footprint and logistics ecosystem development, with green electricity, smart lighting and temperature management.

📍 Facility heights surpassing 25 metres with 3/4 storeys for utilizing building cubature.

📍 Robots and automation driven by IoT, AI and 3D printing.

📍 Swifter turnaround times.

All Made Possible By Tech Powering:

✅ Automated capacity management.

✅ On-demand warehousing.

✅ Multi-modal optimization.

✅ Real-time tracking.

✅ Mobile scanning and report generation.

✅ Augmented reality for efficiency and safety.

✅ VR for verifying identity and other processes.

✅ Drones for inventory and RFID management.

✅ New-age sortation systems.

And, it’s not some distant new world we’re talking about here. The futuristic warehouse is closer than you think. 
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